Drennon Construction and Consulting 2014 work season. Over 30 homes were raised and moved during the 2014 construction season in Galena, Alaska, and all without incident, providing the local residents invaluable protection against future flood events.

Galena Flood Home Raising and Moving

In the spring of 2014 DCC was contracted to raise, move, and provide permanent helical piling’s, on some 41 homes flood damaged and below the newly established 100 year flood plain of 136.5 feet to sill. To date DCC has performed complete work on 31 of the 41 homes, and is scheduled to complete the remaining in the spring […]

2014 FEMA Galena Construction Support

In the spring of 2014 Drennon Construction was contracted by FEMA to help support the rebuilding efforts in Galena, Alaska. Working to support the volunteer efforts to build new homes where the Yukon river had swept the residence old homes away during the spring 2013 flooding, DCC cleared, grubbed, and installed new pads, driveways, and […]

Drennon Construction